All children should have the opportunity to play and learn in a safe nurturing environment, to develop skills and confidence, to communicate well and to learn and have fun. We acknowledge that at certain times parents and carers may need additional support to do this and it is at these times that a referral can be made to access Early Years Enhanced Provision provided by the Early Years Service
Early Years Enhanced Provision is a package of support for children mainly under 2 years of age and their families which include family support activities and childcare / early education provision.
The childcare / early education placements are provided within home-based care and we have a team of Childminders who are qualified, experienced, highly motivated, specially inducted and supported to provide early years enhanced provision.
The Early Years Placement Officer Team manage the placements of all children accessing enhanced provision. They are also responsible for ensuring there is a network of Childminders across the city that are experienced, trained and supported in providing high quality day care for children accessing enhanced provision.
An enhanced provision placement is arranged for up to 12 hours a week all year round over at least 2 days. Our aim is to offer this within walking distance of the family home.
We need to ensure that this service makes a difference to young children and their families securing improved outcomes so all placements are regularly reviewed. There is no guarantee that placements will continue in their original format after the reviews; as all placements will be provided based on the needs of the individual child and family ensuring improved outcomes for all concerned.
When the child reaches the stage to transfer to another setting a Transfer Review will be arranged, parents and all professionals involved will be invited including the setting the child is due to transfer to.
Referrals for an enhanced provision placement can be made by completing an Enhanced Provision Referral form. A specific criteria is used for the allocation of these places and is based on an assessment of both the child’s and family situation and needs. Points are awarded on the basis of the written information which the referrer has provided on the referral form.
Free Early Education is available for some 2 year olds and all 3 & 4 year olds.
To submit a referral or for further information, please contact the: Early Years Service Southmead Children Centre Doncaster Road Southmead BS10 5PW.
or email:
Dawn Butler – (General Enquiries)
Anne Mortimore, EYFS Support Teacher
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